HAARBOR is a 501(c)3 nonprofit
Basil - Lincoln, NE 4/4/21
Meet Basil! He is an 8-9 month old (as of 4/4/21), 33 lb, neutered male German Shepherd mix.
Basil is a unique pup but he really just wants the same things any dog does: love, play, and treats! Basil has been seen by several vets and the consensus is there are a few "loose connections", likely in his cerebellum (which controls balance). He doesn't need surgery or even medication - he's just Basil! He is also mostly blind. He takes dramatic steps with his paws, does a somersault if he takes a corner too fast, and shows his love to his foster mom and fur siblings by trailing dangerously close behind them.
You might notice the goose eggs on his head - they have been biopsied to make sure they are not harmful or dangerous. Turns out, they’re mostly just tissue - likely from Basil running into something! Basil is around 8-9 months old now and we would love for him to grow up with his forever family - not his temporary foster family. Due to his clumsiness, we think Basil would do best with older children. He would love a playful and patient doggy sibling, too. His foster home has wood floors and does pretty well. Definitely some slipping and sliding but he is figuring it out! He is also proven fine with cats.
Basil wears belly bands and he occasionally has poop accidents. Due to the way he moves, kennels and confined spaces are very constricting and anxiety-inducing for Basil. He started out being gated off in the kitchen but has shown he can be trusted to roam the house when left alone. Basil loves car rides and he does great at the dog park. He just needs to be protected from mean dogs. Email braveanimalrescue@gmail.com if you have any questions about this goofy boy!