HAARBOR is a 501(c)3 nonprofit
Sapphire - Duluth, GA 1/3/21
Meet Sapphire! She is a 2.5 yr old, 9 lb, spayed female cat.
Sapphire was a momma cat who raised two adorable kittens that have been adopted. The mom's are always the last to be adopted which is so sad!
She enjoys snuggles and will purr like crazy when you are petting her. Sapphire does not enjoy being held and like most cats, will provide you plenty of affection on her terms. She lives with a big, gentle dog and LOVES him. Sapphire also likes head bumps and is happy sleeping next to your pillow when you go to bed. She will tackle all balls or round fuzzy things and has a cute, tiny, little meow.
Sapphire has Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anemia (IMHA). That means that her body attacks her red blood cells. Sapphire's IMHA is regulated by a daily does of Prednisolone (affordable pill). Prenisolone is a steriod, so annual bloodwork is recommended. Sapphire is on a prescription diet (Z/D) and a special daily probiotic that can be mixed in with her wet food.
Sapphire is negative for FIV/FeLV, up-to-date on shots, spayed/neutered, and microchipped. The adoption fee is waived for an approved adopter. If you would like to meet Sapphire, please email michele.stepp@gmail.com. Ready to adopt Sapphire? Please complete our on line application here: http://www.pethoodga.org/index.php/cat-adoption-request It will be reviewed and the foster will then contact you. There are no distance limitations on adopting Sapphire.
Janie - Savannah, GA 4/4/21
Meet Janie! She's an older (~10ish), 6.9 lb, intact female cat.
Janie was rescued at the beginning of January from living outdoors as a stray, and she was in such terrible shape we weren't sure she would survive. It's now 3 months later, and she's doing incredibly well! She's gained 2.5 pounds and feels great!
Janie is a older cat (unknown age). She has kidney disease and is FeLV (feline leukemia virus) positive so she can only live with dogs or other FeLV positive cats. She is very affectionate, outgoing, and loving- she has a big personality. I am looking for a home for her with someone who is OK with some uncertainty regarding how long she might live. She's doing so great right now, I hope she will live a long life, but given her medical issues, I really don't know. She takes one pill once a day (easy to administer) and is very easy to care for. She must be the only cat in household or be adopted into a home with another FeLV + cat. Hopefully there is someone out there who would like to give her a home-- she has a lot of love to give. We may be able to help with transport and would like her to stay within about 300 miles of her rescue. Contact redclayanimalrescue@gmail.com with any questions.