HAARBOR is a 501(c)3 nonprofit
Tamlyn - Oklahoma City, OK (1/2/21)
Meet Tamlyn! She is a 9 yr old, 10 lb, female spayed calico cat.
Tamlyn was rescued from the street, pregnant in July, 2014. AT the time she was semi-feral and being fed by a young lady who was moving. The day after rescue she gave birth to three kittens and snap tested positive for Feline Leukemia or FeLV. All of her kittens died before they reached 6 months of age.
Her blood has been tested by a lab in September 2014 (FeLv+), October 2015 (Felv-), February 2016 (Felv+) and November 2017 (Felv+). The vet cannot explain the differences in the results other than to possibly the virus is not always active. All the tests were done by the same lab. We must assume that she can spread the virus and needs to be an only cat. Tamlyn has been generally healthy but does have chronic URI's that have, to this point resolved on their own without medication. She is on Purina Adult food and is usually a great eater. She has been kept caged in her foster home and is now very used to people and is not shy at Adoption Events with adults or children. She has not been nose-to-nose with dogs.
Tamlyn's rescue, Pet Adoption & Welfare Services of OK, would really love her to find a home after being in rescue for so long. She deserves it! There are no distance limitations on her adoption but the adopter would have to organize transportation. To learn more about Tamlyn, please email: pawsokrescue@gmail.com